Saturday, December 31, 2011

365 Day Operation Green 2012 Challenge...


    I know some of you have probably already entered the New Year, but here in Hawaii it is the eve of...Tomorrow starts the kick off of my Operation Green Home challenge...I hope you will jump on board and make this a New Year's Resolution for step at time for a cleaner and healthier environment that will benefit our family and our planet! I will post something daily so please check back each day and try out my suggestions or leave comments or suggestions of your own...This is a learning and growing environment for us Greenie amateurs and experts alike:-)

~ I'm not an environmentalist. I'm an Earth Warrior.~
Darryl Cherney, Smithsonian, April 1990

Love and Light,

Monday, December 26, 2011

Find a Home for those Mateless Socks!

   If you are anything like me, you have a container somewhere in your house of mateless socks that you just can't seem to get rid of because you have this crazy idea that the mate is just waiting to be found! But for some odd reason my mateless sock container seems to grow on a daily basis....well for those of you who are ready to face reality that the other sock is long gone never to be found again, here is a fantastic proposition for you...

   The University of California is more than willing to take them off your hands...who would of thought that those old mateless socks could be used to help sustain wildlife? The socks must be washed and without holes. Here is the article explaining the details of how the socks will be used....

Here is the address...I am putting my box together this week!
Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project
40799 Elliott Drive
Oakhurst, CA 93644

Love and Light,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Welcome to my new blog...Operation Green Home!

Season's Greetings everyone!

   I am Nirvani and this is Operation Green Home...I am on a mission! I want 2012 to be the best year yet! I am a self-proclaimed domestic Goddess who is determined to become a full fledged Greenie by the end of 2012...impossible you may is full of impossible possibilities...and I am a perpetual optimist so I will give it my best shot and enjoy every step of the journey:-) Every journey begins with a single step and you'll never make it to the end if you never start...So come join in the fun in creating a home that is happy and healthy for all that reside.
    At the beginning of 2012 I will be sharing tips, ideas, projects, and recipes daily in my 365 Day Operation Green Challenge. I hope that you will come here daily and read my posts and also share your own ideas with me. There is nothing greater we can do for our planet than to respect and take care of her by responsible conservation and no greater gift we can give to ourselves and our loved ones than to make conscious healthy choices daily. So let the mission begin!

Love and Light, 